Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Key to My Heart

One Valentine's day while my husband and I were dating, I gave him this old tin with the skeleton key inside and a little note pledging that he held the key to my heart. With it, no part of me would be kept from him. No other key would ever be made or given and he will forever be the sole owner of it.

This Valentine's day as a gift to my husband I painted the same objects to keep that closeness of our relationship ever before us in a tangible way.

Here is the unusual set up that was necessary to get the perspective I wanted on the pieces. I don't think I've ever painted on the ground, before, but it was pretty comfortable. At the time this photo was taken I was waiting to begin as a shadow slowly moved across the still life.

1 comment:

sandy said...

This is so gorgeous. And a beautiful story too..
