Monday, March 17, 2008

Petals and Cream III ~In Progress II

The following images show the continuing progress on this 16x20 painting.

I began to block in the flowers, making sure that I was accurately placing the large shapes of light and shadow. I would concern myself with the details after the proper large shapes of value were established.

It was then necessary to work in the background to achieve correct edges around the flowers. Also the darks of the leaves and stems were added to be sure that the range of values was accurate.

After choosing certain flowers to receive detailed attention, I then went on to add lightly the pattern on the pitcher and begin moving left to add the second pitcher. Now that the flowers are completed I no longer have an uncomfortable sense of urgency.

1 comment:

Jo Castillo said...

This is coming along so nicely. Good values. Nice job on the different whites. Waiting for the finish!